How it Works

Online. Responsive. Normed.

How the CM Global English assessment works

CM Global English assessment provides an authentic snapshot in time of how well secondary or elementary learners whose first language is not English will likely manage in a learning environment where English is the medium of instruction. To be successful in such an environment, students must be able to understand what is read and heard in the classroom and be able to clearly express themselves, particularly through written work.

When students log in, they are prompted to enter their name which will remain affiliated with their access code. When students are reassessed you will be able to easily track growth.

Instructions are clear and simple and include a resource for testing sound quality before assessment begins.

Schools can choose whether or not they wish students to see their raw scores and ELL levels at the conclusion of each of the three sub-tests.

Written Grammar

The first section is a timed, written grammar assessment, measuring prior exposure to formal English. Two-word verbs, clauses, various verb tenses, prepositions, pronouns, possessives, irregular plurals, and comparatives are some examples of the grammar being assessed. At the conclusion of this sub test, the test taker is automatically sent to the second sub test.


The second part of the assessment is a timed, reading comprehension measure, consisting of a  various number of reading passages intended for either secondary, elementary, or late primary students. Passages are fiction and non-fiction, with a range of readability difficulty. This reading assessment is a cloze test. The student demonstrates English syntaxical understanding.  At the conclusion of this section of the assessment, the student is sent to the third section.


The third section is a timed, listening comprehension assessment, which consists of 40 short recordings. The test taker listens to each recording and chooses the best answer from a number of possible choices. Some of the recordings have accompanying pictures and some are oral passages with follow up questions. At the conclusion of this sub test, the student is taken to the fourth and final section of the assessment.


The fourth section of the CM Global English assessment asks the student to produce a written sample that is timed and based on a randomly selected topic. Included in this section, is an optional, scoring matrix to score the student’s written sample.

The assessment concludes with a report sent to the test administrator, with  a recommendation to consider a specific overall English support level. Llevels and scores for each sub test are also provided.

CM Global English Assessment Reports

Upon completion of the assessments, raw scores for the first three sub tests are automatically converted to English Language Learning (ELL) support levels.

A Variety of reports are available for your use and can be downloaded in PDF format for student records. Scores are instantly available. Assessment reports include subtest raw scores and the recommended overall ELL support level.

Assessment reports are available for individual students and groups. Administrators receive daily and weekly summary reports.


Schools and Districts will have access to our new resources section, which includes for example, a writing scoring matrix and an easy to administer, face to face, English speaking assessment.

Schools, if they wish, can use the CM Global English course-programming recommendations, based on overall ELL support levels, to determine best academic and ESL course placement.