English Writing Matrix

The expectations will vary according to the grade and age of the student

The student can… *

SUPPORT LEVEL Beginning 1 Developing 2 Expanding 3 Consolidating 4 Bridging 5
SNAPSHOT Demonstrate ideas through, pictures, labels, basic phrases, no evidence of writing style Write short sentences or a basic paragraph, meaning is not clear Write ideas in paragraph (s), meaning is somewhat understandable Write ideas in detailed and connected paragraph(s), meaning is clear and interesting Write in a variety of genres, meaning is clear and interesting with supporting detail
VOCABULARY • Copy or write some basic words and/or phrases 
• Use common vocabulary on familiar topics
• Use high frequency common words
• Use no figurative language
• Use common vocabulary
• Use some specialized academic content vocabulary
• Sometimes use figurative language (e.g. simile)
• Use descriptive vocabulary
• Use specialized academic content vocabulary
• Use figurative language (e.g..metaphor, personification)
• Use varied descriptive vocabulary
• Use a wide range of specialized academic content vocabulary 
• Use figurative language often and effectively
SENTENCE STRUCTURE • Label or list, often following an example
• Write basic phrases
• Write simple sentences 
Connect basic ideas to make a compound sentence using ‘and ‘
• Write a clear message
• Combine ideas using compound sentences with words such as and, but, because
• Write a clear, descriptive message
• Use clauses in sentences
• Use compound and complex sentences with subordinate words such as although, since, nevertheless
• Write a sophisticated and interesting message for intended purpose
• Use sentences containing two or more clauses
• Use a variety of complex sentences for effect
ORGANIZATION 3• Use simple words or basic phrases with no evidence of paragraphs 
• Show no evidence of transition words 
• Repeat ideas with no topic present
• Write one paragraph usually with a topic sentence 
• Use a few transition words (e.g. first, second)
• Use narrative
• Write on topic with little details
• Write paragraphs 
• Use some transition words (first, then, finally)
• Use expository
• Clearly detail main idea
• Write multi-paragraph essay structure
• Use a variety of transition words (e.g. therefore, however)
• Use a variety of styles (e.g . persuasive
• Enhance main idea with examples
• Write multi-paragraph essay structure with clear transitions
• Use a variety of effective transition words (e.g. due to, furthermore, in spite of)
• Use a variety of styles appropriate for the purpose
• Sustain and enhance main idea with examples
ENGLISH CONVENTIONS • Attempt periods and capitals
• Attempt to spell some familiar words
• Attempt present tense
• Use some punctuation and capitalization 
• Accurately spell some basic words
• Use simple present tense with some accuracy
• Use some subject verb agreement
• Use punctuation and capitalization with some accuracy
• Spell some academic words accurately
• Use simple present, past, future tense with some accuracy
• Use subject verb agreement, often with accuracy
• Use a variety of punctuation and capitalization accurately most of the time
• Spell many academic words correctly most of the time
• Use many verb tenses with accuracy
• Use consistent subject/verb agreement
• Use a variety of punctuation and capitalization accurately 
• Spell academic words correctly most of the time
• Use a variety of verb tenses accurately
• Use consistent subject/verb agreement

* The expectations will vary according to the grade and age of the student.

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